Rust For The Scaredy Cat : Variables And Data Types

Total nerd
5 min readAug 28, 2022

Greetings nerds 👏 welcome back to the series, Today we’ll start by setting up our dev environment and doing very basic stuff with variables and their various data types and what not


Once you’ve Rust installed, go ahead and download a text editor ( honestly i started with nano on Ubuntu) like vscode or sublime text

Personally i use vscode with the rust-analyzer extension and that’s more than enough for me to get going


To create a new Rust file, simply create a file ending with .rs and open it with your favorite text editor of choice and we’ll need to add some boilerplate first

fn main() {    println!("hello Rust!");

So if you’re wondering what the 🦆 is going on, let’s gently explain the stuff above

fn is a reserved keyword to declare a function, a function is a block of code we can call as much as we want, it’s indicated by a pair of those curly braces

main is the name of the function, this function is special because it tells the compiler where the program begins so yes we can’t name our functions that

println!() is called a “macro” but for the sake of our knowledge level now, it’s fairly safe to call it a function, we use it to print to the console

ALL statements have to end in a semicolon so please get used to that


Variables in Rust can be declared using the let keyword, so to declare a variable named age and assign a value to it right away we can say

let age = 24; and now we have our variable

Let’s print it out so we can see some println!() magic using placeholders

println!("hello, i am {} years old", age); // hello, i am 24 years old

To print out a value to the standard output in Rust, We MUST place those curly braces in order for them to be substituted with the value in the second parameter of the println!() macro

There’s a catch about variables in Rust, Variables ARE IMMUTABLE BY DEFAULT meaning once you’ve assigned a value, you can’t reassign another one later, this following example will not compile and I’ll show you how to get around it

fn main() {
let age = 24;
println!("hello i am {} years old", age);
age = 25;
println!("{}", age);

Now if you try to compile it using rustc like so rustc you’re gonna see this following error message

As stated above, we’re assigning to a variable again, the compiler also told us how to fix the issue ♥️ so let’s add this keyword mut after let like so let mut age and now the program will compile


Although rustc infers the data type for variables at compile time, it’s highly recommended and is a good practice to annotate them, but first let’s discover the supported data types and the more common ones we’ll use


source :

It depends on the size of the data you’re store what data type to use, but generally speaking i16 seems to be enough and you can always choose more


There are only two available floating point types which are f32 and f64


A boolean type indicates a value is either true or false and it’s common in other programming languages


This type represents a single character, i.e. let grade = 'B’; and it has to be between single quotation marks


A string is a series of bits stored on the heap, in Rust you’ll find both String and a data type called a string slice which is basically a reference to a string, we’ll learn how to declare both very soon


Just like any other programming language, an array is a collection of items in square brackets [] separated by commas, And they have to be of the same data type when we add an integer the rest of the items must be all integers and so on


A tuple is similar to an array but we use those () braces instead of the square braces

Assigning a data type to our variables

Now we will once again declare our variables but we’re gonna explicitly annotate their types

let username: String = String::from("bob123"); // declaring a string 
let age: i16 = 24;
let is_married: bool = false;
let my_array: [u8; 5] = [1,2,3,4,5]; // first is the data type and second is how many items
let my_typle = ("saul", "kim", "charles"); // yes i love that show

And just like that we explicitly assigned data types to our variables which will come handy ( and become required ) later on

How about some math ?

Let’s do some basic math operation using the very minimum knowledge we have now shall we

fn main() { 
println!("{}", 5 + 3); // addition
println!("{}", 5 - 3); // subtration
println!("{}", 5 * 3); // mutiplication
println!("{}", 5 / 3); // division
println!("{}", 5 % 3); // the remainder of division
println!("{}", 5_i32.pow(3)); // to the power

I believe this is enough to know for now regarding data types in Rust and should have you comfortable with the syntax and what not, we’ll revisit more of those types so soon ( arrays and tuples to be exact ) and we’ll learn about more types so stay tuned please for the rest of the series

For further reading i highly recommend this chapter from the Rust Programming Language book

Happy coding !

And here’s a cutie Ferries the crab for the blog display image

